Research & Interests

  • Social Movements

    Social movements, even religious movements, that seek social and political change coalesce around a particular belief or worldview. This ideologically structured action (ISA) informs both views of opportunity and constraint that influence mobilization, and it structures frames, tactics, and goals. My research seeks to understand the motivating ideologies of religious actors in the political space.

  • Independent, Neo-Charismatic Movements

    The fastest growing religious sector worldwide is independent, neo-charismaic Christianity. Best exemplified in the New Apostolic Refornation (NAR), this expression of Christianity is heavily networked both globally and politically. The aim of many leaders and adherents is Christian dominion. By making disciples of all nations and exercising control over the 7 mountains of culture, it is believed that Christ will return and establish a true Christian Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

  • The Intersection of Religion & Politics

    Religious and political identities often merge in curious ways. The increasing convergence of identities and interests by a large sector of Christianity and the Republican political party mobilized many to act on January 6, 2021, and is increasingly doing so today. Additionally, the language of spiritual war and warfare is seeping into political discourse - a developing and concerning trend.